
Reconstruction: The Freedmen's Bureau

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For over two centuries, people of African American descent lived in strife under the absolute control of their owners. Slaves were completely stripped of their humanity, decency and basic human rights. After the end of our American Civil War, the start of Reconstruction struck a thunder of hope within the spirits of former slaves. The strongest foundation of hope for freed slaves began on March 3rd, 1865, when the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands was established. This bill was more popularly known as the Freedmen’s Bureau. The bill was established to provide aid to former slaves while transitioning to a new life of freedom. Through the tremendously difficult time of Reconstruction, the Freedmen’s Bureau saw its own challenges …show more content…

To make matters worse, white supremacists took violent action against former slaves to keep them from obtaining the aid and education they were promised through the Freedmen’s Bureau. Throughout the life of the Freedmen’s Bureau, millions of people were fed, helped in obtaining labor contracts, clothed and given medical assistance. Also, freed blacks were given the opportunity to legally marry. However, interracial marriages were forbidden. Legal marriage for blacks not only meant a step towards equality for all. On a greater scale, marriage for blacks meant that the man would become financially responsible for his wife and Page 3 family, which meant less financial dependence on the American government. The black man, then responsible for more than himself, suffered greater pressure to obtain work. Not only was vagrancy against the law at the time, but also the inability to find work would potentially mean the family would starve. Because of this, most freed slaves fell victims to Sharecropping, where they would work a share of the land in exchange for crops. Just like the landowner, they too had to suffer any losses in failed crops. Because the land they lived and worked on was rented, many families found themselves financially bound to the landowner. These free men and families fell into debt, and essentially became …show more content…

There was no specific plan of action for reconstruction when former president Lincoln was assassinated, and the country was not ready to handle the enormous assistance it would have to provide for those approximately four million freed slaves. Although there were so many factors to deter the success of the bureau, there were positive outcomes, even the ones that were short-lived. The most impactful outcome of the Freedmen’s Bureau was in the form of education. Education for blacks was the sole long-term result of the Freedmen’s Bureau. Prior to the freeing of the slaves, it was even illegal to teach a black person to read of write. Most people of black color at that time were illiterate up until their adult lives. Once schools for blacks were established, many of those educational institutions would even become overcrowded. People of color were determined to learn, improve themselves, obtain knowledge, obtain educational equality and improve their quality of life. One of the most well-known schools established at that time was Howard University, which was named after General Howard. General Oliver Howard was a dedicated abolitionist and was commissioner of the Freedmen’s

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