
Reasons For Japan's Attack On Pearl Harbor

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December 7th, 1941. This was the date of one of the most important attacks on the United States in the history of America. This was the date of the Japanese attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor was the last straw that led to the United States joining World War II as part of the Allied Power. The bombing was in reaction to many economic sanctions that were placed on Japan, so the bombing was not just to make the United States mad. We can see many reasons as to why Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor. There were many events that led up to Japan making the decision to bomb Pearl Harbor. It all started with Japan wanting to expand their power. Japan was an island nation, it was …show more content…

(Higgs). Japan was angered by the United States putting these sanctions on them, as they thought of the attack on China as internal affairs. As many countries in Europe also placed economic sanctions on Japan , that led to Japan withdrawing from the League of Nations in 1933. After withdrawing from the League of Nations, Japan launched a huge attack on eastern China and eventually Japan took over the capital of China, Nanking. ("Japan Launches A Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941"). The view on Japan to worsened when Japan sunk an American Gunboat, Panay, while the boat was on patrol on the Yangtze River. The Japanese later apologized for the sinking of the Panay but the chances for an American-Japanese battle increase. ("Japan Launches A Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941"). The next large event that happened was Japan signing the Anti-Comintern Pact in 1936. This increased tensions with the United States especially when Italy signed the pact in 1937 as Germany, Italy and Japan would all be allies.("Japan Launches A Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941"). Japan and Germany set up the pact because Germany needed help rebuilding from World War I and Japan needed help defending itself because it was alone in the east and they were tired of seeing western nations a taking over the areas around Japan. (Wolfrom

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