
Rape In The Media

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In the lifetime of an American woman, there is a one out of six chance that there will be an attempt to rape her or a completed rape (Elkhart County Prosecutor’s Office). Rape is very prevalent in society. Rape is a planned event of forced sexual contact. Rape is preventable through awareness and the prevention of rape is important because of its impact on oodles of parts of society. When a child is born the parent(s) almost always want the child’s life to be brighter and better than theirs was. The same thing applies to us as a society; the future should be better and brighter and that is responsibility. As a society, ambition for change is a strong suit. Half of rape attacks occur at home. However, society does not realize this. Rape comes …show more content…

The more we put rape in the media, making it a common thing in lives, and desensitize it, the more we lose sympathy for the subject. We quickly become apathetic to the subject. We become numb and lose will to change. Conversely, if not aware of something, it is hard to make improvements. Preventing rape starts with reporting ones that have already happened. As a society we need to have a healthier outlook about victims coming forward and reporting rape. Reporting and prosecuting are different things. The rapist can still be taken off the streets. Also, reporting helps the emotional wounds of the rape (Daniels-Booher 85-86). In order to have a better future we need to get rid of those that are holding us back. We need to stop attacking each other. People’s attitude towards rape, that it is the victim’s fault, is not going to change without effort. We have to work to make sure that surroundings are safer for us (Daniels-Booher 123). Rape is absolutely not the victim’s fault and we need to change outlook on that. For instance, …show more content…

Rape victim’s no longer live a normal life as the rape stays with them forever. We need to all work together as a whole. Rape and sexual violence prevention need the vital involvement of society in the forms of the government, education, social and health services, and various community organizations. These diverse sectors impact risks towards sexual violence in different contexts, which is why each of them are needed (Stop SV: 33). In order to achieve safety as a whole, the whole community needs to be involved. A common misconceptions among society is that rape is the victim’s fault. Society needs to wrap their heads around the fact that rape is not women’s faults. Women do not encourage or provoke men to rape them. The vast majority of rapes are planned and not just a spur of the moment act based on lust. The only one who holds responsibility for rape is the rapist. The predominant factor in determining when a rape will occur is opportunity (Elkhart County Prosecutor’s Office). There are no ifs, ands or buts -- rape is the rapist’s fault. Women are being blamed for crimes against them. Instead, they should be empowered. Empowerment can lead into confidence, which can sometimes be someone’s most powerful weapon. When victim’s resist, attackers are more likely to let them go. In fact, most of the time they do. Granted, teenage girls are more likely to resist than

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