
Rape And Rape

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Sexual assault and rape have always been a part of society since the beginning of human kind. It would only make sense for it to be a part of the college campuses unfortunately. As a typical female college student is between the ages of 18-24, statistics taken from 1995-2013 prove that women around these ages have the highest percentage of rape (Sinozich and Langton 2014). Within 1995-2013, males ages 18-24 reporting sexual assault or rape were far less than the women, although that does not mean it did not happen just that is was lesser of the two (Sinozich and Langton, 2014). Roughly, 18% of male college students reported having a history with sexual victimization or unwanted sexual contact within the past year (Turchik and Edwards, 2012). These students were classified either as college, university, trade school, vocational school students, or nonstudents meaning anyone else in that age range that is not in any form of school (Sinozich and Langton, 2014). Rape and sexual assault occurs quite often even if the victim is not in school. However, when people are closely placed within a location, like college campuses the chances of assault heighten as there are more opportunities for the perpetrators.
The definition of rape is not all that complicated, one can state that it is, “the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with anybody part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim” (U.S. Department of

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