
Rap Music And Democracy

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Found in West Africa, griots are musicians, praise-singers, storytellers and historians who are known for their spoken word. They specialize in using various musical instruments, such as the drum and kora. There is a sharp connection between the rap music today and the griot traditions in West Africa. Historically, the griot’s job was solely to assist the king in his daily activities and as well to use their art and music to tell the story about their history. They were feared and envied because they had an impact on the individuals they praised or critiqued. They were an opportunistic group as they would often would ask for money in return for their praises. Their music was not reminiscent of music today as griot music is not about sex, drugs …show more content…

Obviously they saw that he was not the potential agent of change he was making himself out to be. Through their music, the hip-hop artists were voicing their distaste towards their government using their music as a platform. They acted as the voice of the people to voice the anger that has built up in the nation, they claimed that this was a constitutional coup. They took a different approach when it came to protesting the government as they used social media, and their music to challenge the current president to evoke change. A coalition was formed by the musicians as they wanted the youth to protest the candidacy of their president. In West Africa Senegal has long been the staple of democracy, unlike the majority of their neighbors that have been going though decades of political unrest. Since they gained their independence from France in the 1960’s they have had peaceful transfers of power, and the artists in Senegal feel as if President Wade would threaten that from continuing. They want to ensure that the Democracy in Senegal continues to be one of the more prominent in the region through their marches and protest songs. Utimately, they wanted to ensure that Wade would not win a third term in 2012 after he announced his plan to change Senegal’s election

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