
Racism In High School Essay

Decent Essays

There is never a dull moment when it comes to school and home. Although there are not any consistently favorable or atrocious moments, it is these times that make an acceptable week tolerable. While carrying on the topics of racism, relationships, and the first AP Language essay of the semester, this certainly has been an engrossing week. Even though most of the population have some type of freedom there is always that want to escape. Even if it’s just for a moment because being alone and escaping are two different conditions to be under. Racism is a possession that someone will constantly have a hold of. But something that is important is that we shouldn’t let the hatefulness of others control us. There is a difference of being upset and repulsed than just letting something control you to the point where you can’t bare it. Racism is a topic that takes place among African American friends almost daily. Whether …show more content…

Rarely is a relationship in highschool serious. Some understand that some don’t, just like any other thing in life. The easiest thing to have that is close to a relationship in high school is a crush. You can talk about it with your friends. Your crush can even know. But the important thing is there is no commitment. And more importantly than that, no time commitment.That is an argument that is discussed among friends during the week. But it is questioned, is a relationship all together the most important thing to have in life? Or is it possible to find happiness without that special someone? A very mature topic to discuss especially for 15-16 year olds who know nothing. But in the end, an escape from all of the relationship talk would not be a horrible possibility. Sometimes it’s needed and it can get to people. However on a lighter note, AP Language essays can be scary, especially without any

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