
Race Social Construction

Satisfactory Essays

When we hear the word "race" we're more than likely inclined to automatically think of the color of someone's skin. Though this isn't entirely inappropriate, there is so much more to race than that. Sociologists say that race is a social construction created in society, meaning it's basically a set of "stories" we tell ourselves and hear overtime to make sense of the world. Since we hear these stories over and over again, we act on them, ultimately making them true. This can be said of many aspects of culture and society, however, it seems to happen with race without our realization.

As i said before, we subconsciously think of skin color when we hear the word "race." A major reason for this is because of the society in which we grew up, and the "stories" we told, and were told. Most of these stories included skin color being the dominant indicator of race, which we then grew up believing this, especially since we learned it in many different classes throughout our life. In history class the Civil War is discussed, and how they went to war because of racial disparities. Also, in English class you're taught African-American poetry, which is based on the problems they faced because of the color of their skin. …show more content…

This would change everything we've been taught, since people of all different skin colors would then be grouped together. Had this been the "story" we were told, we wouldn't think twice about the color of someone's skin, but rather the color of their

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