
Questions and Answers from The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara

Decent Essays

Chapter 1- The Spy
1. What is the spy's usual occupation before the war? The spy was an actor.
2. How is he perceived by Longstreet? By Sorrel? Quote the passage or passages that best demonstrates their feelings. Longstreet thinks that he is not much of a spy, but he takes his word, seeing that there is no other person to believe.-"If you cannot find headquarters of this whole army you cannot be much of a spy.
Sorrel just doesn't trust spies at all.

Chapter 2- Chamberlain
3. What is Chamberlain's former career before the war? Chamberlain was a professor at Bowdin College.
4. Describe how Chamberlain handles the situation with the mutineers. Based on these actions what assumptions can you make about the man's character? He …show more content…

Their rights are at stake.

Wednesday, July 1, 1863- The First Day.
Chapter 1- Lee
8. How does the author characterize Lee? What qualities do we observe in him?
9. Discuss the importance placed on the rules of conduct for a soldier, or chivalry from Longstreet's view.
Chapter 2- Buford
10. Describe Buford's successful strategies in repelling the Confederate advance.
11. Explain the concept of "fighting against brothers" as presented in this chapter.
Chapter 3- Lee
12. Discuss the difference in battle strategies that Lee and Longstreet have.
Chapter 4- Chamberlain
13. Discuss the concept of the killer angel.
Chapter 5- Longstreet
14. Describe Longstreet's family situation.
15. What is Fremantle's view of the Confederate Army?
Chapter 6- Lee
15. How does Lee handle the situation with Trimble?
16. What does this suggest about his character?
Chapter 7- Buford
17. Describe the situation when Buford reports to headquarters for new orders.

Thursday, July 2, 1863- The Second Day.
Chapter 1- Freemantle
18. Discuss Freemantle's view's on the South and their similarities with Englishmen.
Chapter 2- Chamberlain
19. What is Chamberlain's initial reaction to the slave?
20. What does he realize that changes his mind?
21. Describe Kilrain's views of why this war is being fought.
Chapter 3- Longstreet
22. Describe Longstreet's feelings about fighting the Federal Army.

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