
Quantitative And Qualitative Research

Satisfactory Essays

Quantitative and Qualitative research

Qualitative research is used to gather a collective group of ideas and opinions, where

any trending results are taken into account. Common methods of quantitative research

consist of interviews, observations and focus groups.

Quantitative research on the other hand consists of facts on figures, common methods

of quantitative research would consist of program ratings, box office figures and sales

of CD’s or DVD’s.


A digital questionnaire was used so we were able to receive feedback about our

product. From the results we can conclude from people’s opinions what was best for

our product and the best way to advertise the product.

Market research

Market research was the first …show more content…

-Data gathering

Data gathering in general will summarise all of the data collected by questionnaires,

surveys and focus groups into data that can be analysed so we can highlight the

positives and negatives of our product, the collected data could also be presented in

graphs and tables.

Purpose of research

-Audience research (profiling, consumer attitudes, audience awareness)

The purpose of audience research is so the product can be tailored to the needs and

wants of the target audience, doing research will show different methods of branding

that are the most appealing to the audience. Consumer attitudes towards our product

can also be collected from our research, meaning people’s opinions on the product can

be gathered and changes can be made to the product to suit different people’s profiles.

-Market research (competition, advertising effects)

Market research is essential when creating a product to be sold on the market, the

purpose of it is to find out how other brands advertise their products successfully and

how they make their products appeal to their target audience. From the research we

can determine how our product needs to be unique compared to the current

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