
Quality Improvement Strategies

Good Essays


HA499 Unit 4 Assignment
Professor: Lisa Giarda
December 7, 2016


Healthcare facilities can use quality improvement techniques to guide in their decision making. Quality improvement techniques include setting standards, monitoring performance and evaluating outcomes. Once a standard of quality has been identified, using quality improvement techniques to achieve that standard is important for healthcare facilities. Facilities can use quality improvement techniques to guide the facility decisions. The status quo can be discouraged and decisions to accept the challenge of improving can prevail. The challenge that organizations encounter …show more content…

The philosophical elements are most important in CQI. The philosophical elements must be present in order to constitute a CQI effort and at a minimum must include: 1. Strategic focus—Having a mission, values, and objectives, 2. Customer focus—focus on both customer (patient, provider, payer) satisfaction and outcomes. 3. Systems view—Based on analysis of the system influencing an outcome. 4. Data-driven analysis. 5. Implementer involvement—Involving the owners of all components of the system. 6. Multiple causation—Identifying all the multiple root causes. 7. Solution identification—Seeks a set of solutions for better performance. 8. Process optimization—Optimizing a delivery process 9. Continuing improvement—System to self-monitor even when a satisfactory solution is obtained. 10. Organizational learning—To process improvement and personal growth.
Structural methods can include 1. Process improvement teams. 2.Use of one or more of flowcharts, cause-and-effect diagrams, run charts, control charts. 3. Parallel organization—Development of a separate management structure to set priorities. 4. Organizational leadership—to make the process effective integrate CQI into the institution. 5. Statistical analysis. 6. Customer satisfaction measures. 7. Benchmarking—Use of benchmarking to identify best practices. 8. Redesign of processes from scratch—Making sure that the end product conforms to customer

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