
Pursuing A Degree In Criminology Essay

Decent Essays

My ambition has always been to work in Criminology. I am applying for this course as crime, criminal justice, law and the psychology behind why people commit crimes has interested me since early childhood. Working within criminology requires a wide range of skills that include dedication, reliability, concentration and the ability to remain professional and I believe that I posses these skills.
Growing up I would watch documentaries, TV shows and read books about crime and the criminals behind the crimes. These helped demonstrate to me some of the reasons why people may commit their crimes, along with the different punishments that are given and how the legal system works. From a young age I have been fascinated with how these crimes are …show more content…

I believe the skills I gained from this placement will benefit me in this course. I was able to utilise my skills in time keeping, communication and teamwork whilst proving my dedication and hard-working nature. I formed a strong caring relationship with residents and worked with them as individuals and as part of a group in order for them to feel comfortable and to help trigger past memories. This improved my confidence, motivated me and made me realise that in the future I want to help and protect people and the society in which we all live in. I believe attending placements in Criminology will help me to do this and will aid my ambition and desire to go into the Police Force or into Forensic Psychology in the future.
I am a hardworking and dedicated student. I take pride in my work and show commitment at all times which I believe is important as it will help me achieve my goals and complete this course. I find learning new things exciting and I believe that I would be a good student in Criminology. Once I have completed this degree, I would like to complete a master’s degree in Criminology and criminal psychology or forensic psychology in order to increase my psychological knowledge in policing and

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