
Public Policy Importance

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Public policy has a tremendous impact on all of society’s constituents; accordingly, it is vital for the same to understand and contribute to the policy making process. In spite of this, present day data shows an underwhelming amount of personage contributing, or even voting in any part of the process. Such trends point to a future that is a reflection of a past in which justice, equality, and liberty are not a natural right. The United States of America was founded upon such principles of democracy as per an ethical social contract in which the government served the people’s best interests for a common good, yet how can an entity adequately serve a master that lacks the knowledge necessary to achieve aforementioned. As per Newton’s laws of physics “any action has an equal and opposite reaction”; public policy creates ripples in society that affect individual lives both consciously and as a byproduct. Consequently, it is of outmost importance to understand public policy, and the effects they have on all aspects of society. To achieve such a task, I believe that one must first understand its background, purpose, effects, and most importantly, intricacy. With this in mind, to truly appreciate and apprehend any public policy, one must understand the actions that led to such. Whether its economical, racial, or moral reasons all policies have a story that led to their proposal. It is important to understand how one got to a particular point as a consequence of previous actions in order to avoid repeating previous errors, and policymaking is no exception. In fact, understanding what actions led to the policymaking process of any singular policy allows an individual to act accordingly. Similarly, understanding the past allows policymakers and constituents alike to see possible consequences of their actions. Using the past for guidance and reference lets people predict unintended consequences and plan accordingly; moreover, if a policy has failed in previous proposals it gives reason to avoid repeating the same mistake. Along similar lines, examples in the history of the United States show how certain policies are either beneficial or detrimental for the greater good of the people. Looking the past for answers also

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