
Property Right Issues And Social Rights And Private Property

Decent Essays

As the U.S. Constitution states, clearly in the “takings clause” of the Fifth Amendment, “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.” Property right issues and political momentum include increasing government regulation of private property, and supreme court protections for private property are tightening. Societal goals are sometimes pursued through government restrictions on the use of private property. Eminent domain state and local government have the authority to acquire private property for public use while taking is an unconstitutional government appropriation of private property rights. The example that was used in class was the city of College Station vs. Brad Pitt. The city of College Station wanted to develop Brad Pitt`s property for economic development. Brad Pitt had a property being considered for development, so he filed claiming that the use of eminent domain as contemplated by the plan violated the state and federal constitutions. The class was divided into two groups to debate over Property Right vs. Public Interest trying to answer the question, which of them should win over the other?
Like one of my sources Property Right vs. “Public Interest” (2006) mentioned, there are so many ways that private property takes a part of to solve problems that are the outcome of human collaboration. “Private property enables the development of ‘social services,’ that is, care of those who are orphaned, handicapped or ill.” It also

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