
Professionalism: A Career Plan as a Social Worker

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Career Plans The grass blows in the cool breeze, but a chill is in the air, winter is coming. I stop and look around; the pristine white gates surround a lush green pasture still unaffected by the cold. Inside young foals dance to the winds music, playfully kicking and biting at each other, daring the other to a race. I turn toward the silhouette in the distance and spot bright eyes and pricked ears. A whinny reaches my ears and then another responds, it is breakfast time and the horses let me know it. They impatiently stomp their hooves and their warm breath glistens in the cold. I enter the warm barn, the rustle of straw and the sweet smell of these beautiful animals greets me. My day has just begun, but for a moment I pause and go down …show more content…

It was of my early High-school years when the doctors finally diagnosed my Dad with lewey-body dementia. It was a blow to my family and has altered our lives since. I have watched over these last few years as my Dad slowly fades before my eyes, his steps are no longer sure, his mind no longer sharp. His anger is quick and sudden. His mind often reverts him to a childlike state of mind. Through my Dad’s struggle I have learned to love people at a greater level, to love them always no matter how angry or challenging the day is, because time is short as life has shown to me year after year. Depression is a looming darkness that hovers over people; it causes a person to go deep within themselves, to think abnormal thoughts, to forget the person they used to be. I am a girl who suffers from this mentality. I don’t know when this began, but I know it has been for years. Recently I had a traumatic experience that became the final straw for me and I finally accepted the idea of suicide. Luckily for me I took the wrong pills and I was spared. At the time I was lost, desperate, not thinking clearly, but this was a wakeup call to me, because I remember that when I decided to take that final step, I was so desperate to kill myself I couldn’t think of anything else. No person should ever feel they have to take their life, whether out of fear, loneliness, and or

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