
Procrastinating A Diagnostic Essay

Decent Essays

Diagnostic Essay Procrastination and putting things off can have many consequences in your life. I know this because I am always waiting until the last minute to do anything whether it is getting ready for work or getting my homework done. Although you can still get your work done on time, procrastinating can drastically impact a student’s life by leading to decreased grades, an increase in stress, and a lack of responsibility ultimately reducing the student’s chances for success. If a student procrastinates it can lead to them hurting their grades down the line. Just because a student completes an assignment in time while procrastinating does not mean that the effects of it will not catch up to him down the road. I for one am very bad about procrastinating and will often complete an assignment right before it is due. Several times during high school I found that assignments I completed without procrastinating received higher grades then those I procrastinated on. Nobody wants to have to do homework or study when there is something else they would rather be doing. Even though it can be tough you must do things you might not want to do so you can succeed in life. …show more content…

I am the type of person who waits until the last minute to do anything and I often find that in these moments I become increasingly stressed and cannot function. By waiting until the last minutes to complete something you are forced to go into a rapid state and try to complete it as soon as possible. If you start the assignment earlier then you allow yourself more time to complete it and end up with almost the same amount of free time as you had before. Also by knowing you have completed the assignment you are left feeling at ease not worrying about when you need to start it. It is just better to get everything done before it is too

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