
Private Student Loans

Decent Essays

When starting the journey of going to college we have to answer one big question: How do I pay for it? When looking at this issue you know of some options, but do you know about budgeting. You need to budget the amount of money you borrow. Once you borrow the money, you need to estimate how much food or a meal plan, rent or dorm boarding, textbooks, school supplies, gas, or insurance. You have to be able to figure out how to spend your money the proper way.
Students have many options for paying for college one being getting a student loan. There are two types of loans that students can get a Federal and Private student loan. The Department of Education offers a Federal Student Loan. The loan is awarded to qualified students going for their undergraduate or graduate degree. Eligibility depends on multiple things including the student's financial need. At accredited undergraduate schools you can borrow up to $16,500 per year. Graduate students may borrow up to $28,500 in federal loans. That loan is considered unsubsidized, which means students must pay interest while in school.
The other type of loan is Private Student Loans are nonfederal loans that are awarded by financial and individual leaders. Some places that give private loans are banks, schools, or state agencies. They must be repaired, but they start …show more content…

Scholarships are gifts that people use to help them decrease their amount in loans. Also, you can pay with Grants which are need- based funds. They are commonly given to students that need financial aid. One type of gift is FAFSA which students can start applying for in October. Lastly, you can do part-time jobs or work-study. Students do these to help pay for their tuition and financial needs for college. Some colleges let them do their work-study on or off campus. To be considered the student's FAFSA forms must be

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