
Prisons Ineffective In Prisons

Decent Essays

Canadian prisons are ineffective at rehabilitating inmates due to overcrowded conditions and failure of proper preparation of reintegration into society. Overcrowding is when more people are placed into a confined space, than it can actually hold. Factors that lead to the cause of failure in the correctional system consist of gender biases, cultural biases, and the lack of rehabilitative resources/social support. Mandatory minimum sentencing and substance abuse also play a role in increased incarceration rates.

When a crime is committed, the offender is taken to court where a judge will determine if the offender is innocent or guilty. If the offender is found guilty, the penalties may include the following; community service, a fine, or incarceration for a certain amount of time depending on the severity of the crime committed. The purpose of the Canadian prison system is to serve justice to both society, and the law breaker. Justice is served to society by punishing criminals with isolation from society at large. The criminal is served justice through receiving rehabilitation in order to successfully reintegrate into society, once released from incarceration. The focus of Canadian prisons should first be in rehabilitating its inmates, and punishment should be its secondary focus. However, punishment seems to be the prime focus and prison sentences have become more of a standard solution, rather than an option. Simply because it is easier and more effective.

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