
Powers Of Congress Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Quarter Three Writing Assignment
Part One
What is congress?
Bicameral legislature is referring to a body of government that has two legislative houses or chambers. We have this for a historical, practical, and theoretical reason because “but a bicameral legislature provided the perfect opportunity for compromises- in fact, for the great compromises.” In the house of representatives, there are 435 members. The term is two years. The qualifications to be a member of the house are you must be twenty five, you must have been a citizen for at least seven years, and finally you must be at the time of the election of the state they represent.
Part Two
What are the powers of congress?
Tax Power- “Congress has power under article 1, section 8, to lay …show more content…

The process of impeachment is first, an independent council investigates charges and then presents them to the house of Judiciary committee, and then they reviews the evidence. Then the entire House of Representatives look over it and debate about it. Then the members vote but if that happens it means the president is impeached. In order for a president to be impeached, ⅔ of the members of the senate must vote against it. An example of when congress used this power was Bill Clinton. He was impeached of perjury and obstruction of justice. He was accused of having an affair of having an affair with an intern, and sexually harassing other women. He was acquitted of the charges in …show more content…

Some of them are easy. The war power and tax power in my opinion are the easiest ones. The rest are too long, but they make sense to me. I do not mind living in a bicameral legislature, it does not really effect me in any way. There are no powers of congress i think that should be removed. I say this because every power has its own purpose and does a good job on their part. The most important power is the power to tax because without this power, we would probably be bankrupt or not have enough money to support ourselves and our needs. That why I think the most important power is the power to

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