
Political Era Of Policing Essay

Decent Essays

Law enforcement has three major eras throughout history. The eras of policing that will be discussed in this paper are as follows; the political era which was from 1840 – 1930, the reform era which was from 1930 -1980, and last but not least the community problem solving era which is from 1980- 1995. Each one of these era’s had an impact on today’s policing and we are going to discuss each one and ultimately decide which one had the most effect on today’s policing.
First discussed is going to be the political era of policing. This era was from the years of 1840 through 1930. In this era the policing system was first developed. The politicians would appoint a police chief versus a vote from the community like it is in today’s time. The biggest issue they had with this era was that there were too many close ties with the politics and police chiefs and the police chiefs had no control over their officers which would set the officers up to where they were more apt to do devious things instead of enforce the laws. …show more content…

This era was focused primarily on professional crime fighting and all police resources focused on arrests for crimes. The idea behind the new reform era was the police should be neutral to their job, while catching criminals’ police officers should also prevent crime and rehabilitate the offenders. In doing so the police officers began to do what is now known as car patrol and prevent crimes by patrolling in crime-prone segments of the community and society. Also in this era the police officers had the common thought that all society was against the police and therefore stayed shy and tucked away from the community and society. This is what leads to the newest

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