
Police Officer Pros And Cons

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In this scenario as the Chief of Police this student would impose significant action as opposed to termination. The individual in question has a virtually clean record and on paper the individual in question is considered to be a good police officer. Good police officers are needed. Although the act that was committed is not something anyone should be looking at while in a work. It is against all companies’ policies that do not deal in the matter of pornography and is unacceptable. In the military when an individual does something distasteful he or she is not terminated for their actions, but they are held accountable and punished according to the rules and regulations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice also known as the UCMJ. Under …show more content…

According to the Dakota Student, which is the student news site of University of North Dakota, one police officer was caught watching pornographic material by his own lapel camera. This police officer’s name is Dan Lund. The investigation showed up that the officer did not have any illegal pornographic material on the computer, but was in violation of the misuse of state equipment as is the above officer. Dan Lund however, chose to resign in lieu of termination. This officer also had a clean record according to the Dakota Student. Lund had been working at the University of North Dakota, as a police officer since 1996 and upon resignation was a supervisor for the UPD. It seems to this student that Dan Lund was scrutinized a little to hard. He faced termination so he chose to resign. This student although watching pornography is distasteful and misusing state equipment is wrong. This student does not feel that officer Dan Lund should have been facing termination for a minor transgression. This writer feels that the above punishment would have sufficed and that he should maintain his rank as a supervisor. There are far greater things that officers should face termination for such as disabling cameras on the …show more content…

He was caught watching pornography on the work computer, which is the misuse of state equipment. Officer Dan Lund resigned in lieu of termination. In the case as described by the Los Angeles Times, officers were disabling their vehicles dash cameras as to hide their actions while in the performance of their duties. With this their Police Chief did not pursue an investigation as to who were the individual officers who were disabling the cameras and decided to put in a policy which is supposed to deter the officers from disabling the cameras so that they may be used for their intended purpose to protect the officer and the citizens in which they interact with. With the above three examples of misconduct one similar and the others way worst than the misdeed being discussed this student feels that the punishment awarded is just. If the Officer fell under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice he or she would be awarded a similar punishment, but would more than likely be doing a little extra work and not have as many freedoms seeing how he or she may have gotten restricted to their

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