
Police Officer Probation Officer

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How does the ability to conduct legal searches differ between the police officer, probation officer, and corrections officer in the performance of their duties? There are vast and simiular reasons that all of these officers have to conduct legal searches.
For police officers as we learned in several chapters, there are issues that come with their abilities to conduct legal searches, for example a police officer cannot just approach someone on their front porch and demand to enter their home to search for illegal substances or arms etc. However, if one was driving by your home and seen you in your garage with what appeared to be a meth lab or marijuana grow operation then they can stop to search as it would be a duty of theirs to protect the community. A search where one person would feel that they have a reasonable expectation of privacy cannot happen without a warrant. The police officers job abilities can …show more content…

They are able to make sure that you are not arround other people whom are convicted of crimes and they are able to establish guidelines on where they may be at certain times as well, most of the times this is ordered by the courts as part of their conditional release but it is only the ability of the probation and parole officers legal positions that they are able to enforce this. In their duties they do not have to observe the reasonable expectation of privacy nor obtain a warrant they may enter your home and vehicle search at any time.. A parole/probation officers responsibilities also help in issues where the police get re-involved in a case or where the courts are now moving forward with a violation of an offender. A good example of collaboration with interagencies would be when they are consistently caught with drugs any communication of this to prison/jail officers and or police will allow for them to be aware and looking out for continued violation or

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