
Police Officer And Port Authority Officers

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Next, Are some stories from the police officer and Port Authority Officers that were there at the towers helping out by treating and evacuating people out of the towers that day. On the morning of September 11, Joe got up earlier than usual to vote in the Democratic primary election. He noted that he was getting the first taste of fall, that was clear, that the temperature was just a little bit down from hot, and the humidity was low-that it was just a beautiful New York day. On that morning he was riding in an unmarked Winstar, because he had recently broken his Achilles tendon and his left leg was in a cast from the knee down. The Winstar gave him room to get in and out of the car, and to stretch his big frame out. He had spent nearly …show more content…

He is a great dog, trained in explosives detection, and he is also the family pet. Our job is to check every truck that comes in and around the building for explosives. I jumped when i hear the plane go into the north tower. It sounds like a bomb has gone off, and i say to the dog, "Maybe they got one by us, Sirius." I leave the dog there, and run over to the north tower. I see a dead body next to the bandstand where they have set up for a noon concert, and i call it in on the radio. "WTC, i have a DOA on the plaza." And WTC radios back, "Is that DOA confirmed?" I am about to answer when another body lands just fifty feet from me with a very loud noise, [and again] i jump. I look over and see that the skin has been forced away from the flesh. "There is another," I say, as i run into the lobby of the north tower and up the B stairs. I see people coming down, and keep saying, "Go down, down is good." On the twenty-seventh floor i come across a large man in a wheelchair. He will be difficult to assist, but i call it in on radio, and proceed up to the forty-fourth floor, where there is a sky lobby, a large, open space where people change elevator banks. I look out of the window and see this huge fireball rushing out of the north side of the south tower. This is the second plane. Suddenly, all the windows on the east side of my sky lobby are blown out by the concussion, and the wave hits me and several people around me, and

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