
Police Labor Organization Research Paper

Decent Essays

Explain what constitutes a "police labor organization," and how it differs from a "police labor union." Is the Fraternal Order of Police a "police union"? Why or why not.
When looking and comparing the definition of both the police labor organization, and the police labor union, one can make several generalizations.
In defining the term “labor organization” it means any organization of any kind, or any agency or employee representation committee or plan, in which employees participate and which exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or conditions of work ("labor organization," n.d., para. 5).
An example of a labor organization for law enforcement is “The International Union of Police Associations AFL-CIO union”; it is exclusively chartered for active and retired law enforcement officers, with its sole mission to fight for the needs of the members male or female in law enforcement and their needs ("I.U.P.A," n.d.). …show more content…

An example of a police labor union would be The Fraternal Order of Police D.C. Police Union, which is made up of its own officers who represent the 3,600 officers, detectives and sergeants who make up the District of Columbia’s Metropolitan Police Department. The police union represents the officers in contracts of employments and disputes and settlement agreements ("D.C. Police Union,"

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