
Police Discretion Essay

Better Essays

Police Discretion
April 20th , 2008

One aspect of the criminal justice system that has been debated for many years is that of police discretion. Police discretion is defined as the ability of a police officer, a prosecutor, a judge, and a jury to exercise a degree of personal decision making in deciding who is going to be charged or punished for a crime and how they are going to be punished. This basically is saying that there are situations when these law enforcement officers have to use their own personal beliefs and make choices coming from their own morals and ethics. The subject of police discretion was discovered in 1956 by the American Bar Foundation and has been an important problem in criminal justice since that time. When it …show more content…

You should be able to know from experience and what you have learned so far to make the correct decisions in situations. The fourth form of discretion is discretion as liberty. This states that Discretion is not where the law ends, nor is it the same as intellectually deriving principles from rules. It's about permission to act as a free and equal agent, and using that permission in extending the rights and duties of office (under color of law) toward a vision of liberty, inalienable rights, and the kinds of things that no majority, rule, or principle can ever take away (Kleinig 1996). This form appeals more to the rights of people and to being free. This form is trying to say to make decisions keeping in mind that you are a free person and that you are equal to every other human being. The fifth and final form is discretion as license. This form states that Discretion is the opposite of standard expectations. It's the privilege to go against the rules, disobey your superiors, be less than optimal or perfect all the time, all without degenerating the rules or eroding the trust between you, your superiors, or the public. License (not licentiousness) involves a sense of accountability that does not have to be formally recognized or structural (Kleinig 1996). This form is one that I think is the most confusing for some people but is one that has truth to it. It’s basically stating that police have the privilege to go

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