
Piaget's Four Stages Of Cognitive Development

Decent Essays

Jean Piaget born on August 9, 1896 in Switzerland. When Piaget was eleven years old he wrote a short notice on an albino sparrow. Piaget obtained his Ph.D. in natural science at the University of Neuchatel. During this period Piaget published two philosophical essays. In 1921 Piaget became the director of studies at the J.-J. Rousseau Institute in Geneva. In 1936 he did a systematic study on cognitive thinking which contributed to a theory of cognitive development. This cognitive development theory explains the nature and development of a child’s intelligence. Piaget explains how children acquire new information, and according to their age they adapt their internal world (schemas) to the outside world (new information). The children’s mental development is measured by four stages. …show more content…

The sensorimotor stage happens from birth to when the kid is about two years old. This stage is when the kids act based on their senses and motor actions. Kids use the abilities they were born with to learn about their environment. The preoperational stage is between the ages 2-7. This stage is when the kids only see the world in their point of view. Kids in this stage miss information because they concentrate only on one thing and struggle with logic. The concrete operational stage happens between the years of 7-11. In this stage the kids’ logic has increased but it is very rigid. They start to perform tasks by manipulating concepts in their minds. The final stage is formal operations. This stage happens between the ages of 12 and up. In this stage teenagers and adults start to the rational mind, reasoning and they explore different

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