
Piaget 's Stages Of Cognitive Development

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In this paper, Piaget’s Stages of cognitive development will be briefly explained, and I will explain where my cousin, Laura, is according to these stages. The real names of people discussed in this paper have been protected by not using their real names, so their personal information is confidential. My fifteen year old cousin Laura has been through many changes, and I have watched the rapid transformation in her personality, attitude, and way of thinking all in the past few years.

Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

According to Developmental Psychologist Jean Piaget, there are four stages of development. A child’s mind develops through a series of stages (Myers, 2010, p.174). The first stage is the sensorimotor. From birth to about two years old, children experience the world through senses and actions such as looking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and grasping (Myers, 2010, p.175). Babies live in the present because every little thing that happens and every little thing they experience makes a huge impact on their learning and development. The second stage is the preoperational. In this stage, from about two to seven years old, children represent things with words and images, and use intuitive rather than logical reasoning. This is where egocentrism comes in, and Piaget described this as the children having difficulty perceiving things from another’s point of view. The third stage of development is the concrete-operational. From about

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