
Philosophy Of Special Needs

Decent Essays

My Personal Philosophy in regards to learners with special needs. A learner with special needs is first and foremost an individual, an individual that has their own unique personality, learning style and needs. There are a variety of different types of learners with special needs ranging from physical, mental or intellectual, emotional and/or socio-economic. Those with a physical disability can range from hearing, visual, orthopedic, death – blindness, traumatic brain injury or other health impairment. Mental or intellectual disabilities may include those students who have significant limitations in an intellectual ability or those students that have significant problems in learning how to read, write and compute. Students with an emotional …show more content…

It is important to realize that no two learners are alike and it is necessary to create an environment where different learning styles are addressed. Differentiated instruction means using different methods of teaching the same lesson: verbal, visual, and written will assist in ensuring that all students will be included. The same would be for asking the students to share what they have learned in various ways. Using various media resources will foster an environment of inclusiveness. Changing the seating arrangement in class is another simple idea to make all students feel included. Creating an inclusive classroom creates respect for diversity. Children with disabilities are no longer viewed by their peers as freaks, but rather as just other children, especially when children with and without disabilities are intermingled at a young age and there are open discussions in regards to disabilities or being different and bullying. An inclusive classroom is an environment that appreciates individual differences along with their unique set of strengths and limitations. How to interact with others is an important skill that an inclusive classroom teaches students that will follow them into …show more content…

What are their weaknesses? What are their needs? How can I help? Who else is available to me to help? Are there special resources available to assist me in my lessons to fulfill my students’ needs? The first responsibility of the teacher is to learn and to become familiar with those students that have an IEP. Next, is to review the lessons and determine if an individualized lesson is warranted to meet the needs of the student along with the necessary standards. Are accommodations necessary such as changing the format of a lesson? It is the teacher’s responsibility to make all lessons as inclusive as possible by either: changing the style of the lesson, repeating the lesson in different forms or creating an individualized lesson. It is also the teacher’s responsibility to take notice of those students that currently do not have an IEP that may benefit in having one and eliciting help from those that can help create in IEP for said

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