

Decent Essays

Josie Bechler and Emilie Konen
Part 1
1. Are any of the lab values in Table 1 out of normal range? Do you see some that are too high or too low? The serum creatine levels, the BUN, the urinary potassium, the serum pH and sodium clacium are high.
The sodium levels were low.
2. Which of the lab values gives you information about how Mrs. Burroughs’ kidneys are functioning?
The BUN and creatine levels
3. Does Mrs. Burroughs have acidosis or alkalosis? Why do you think this?
She has alkalosis based on her high pH level.
4. Why is the physician interested in Mrs. Burroughs’ kidney function?
All the symptoms that were described were based on the kidney functions, so more and further examination on the kidneys is needed
5. What else …show more content…

5. What are normal levels for PTH?

150-300 pg/ml
Part 31. What enzyme catalyzes the formation of H2 CO3 from CO2 and H2O? (This enzyme also catalyzes the formation of H2 O and CO2 from H2 CO3 .)
It is carbonic anhydrase.
2. The diagram above (Figure 1) outlines the mechanism by which H+ is actively secreted into the PCT of the kidney nephron. What other substances must be transported from the tubular fluid into the PCT cell
(across the apical or luminal membrane) or from the PCT cell into the interstitial fluid (across the basolateral membrane) as part of the transport of the H+?
Potassium ions, Hydrogen ions, Ammonium ions, creatinine, urea, and hormones.
3. What would happen to the amount of H+ secreted into the renal tubule if the activity of the Na+ /K+
ATPase were increased? Are there diseases or other conditions that might enhance the activity of this sodium pump?
If there is more NA it the ATPase will have trouble pumping correctly causing problems in the kidneys and urination.
Part 41. Is there a problem with Mrs. Burroughs’ breathing? What kind of change (if any) do you expect to see in the respirations of a person with metabolic alkalosis?
There is no problem in her breathing at this time, but eventually there may be shortness in breath which can cause apnea and cyanosis.
2. Can you draw a diagram that shows how the respiratory system, under the control of the central nervous system, responds to

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