
Persuasive Speech On Diversity In Society

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It has been previously proven, that in the first few moments of meeting someone, we form an opinion of them. The problem with this idea is stereotypes. One of our society's biggest mistake is that we judge people based on what they look like, or how they act.

Maybe this is why we care about our appearances so much. So we can fit into a particular stereotype, or we can fit in with our friends, or we can fit in with the 'popular kids' at school. If the people we hang out with on a daily basis dress and act a certain way, we want to act and dress like them too, so we can fit in. So we can be stereotyped and so we can be identical to them.

If you think about it carefully, there is all this talk surrounding equality; there's equality for different races, for sexualities and genders. But how are we supposed to have equality when we stereotype everyone we meet?

Anyone who is smart is socially awkward and doesn't have many friends.

An overweight kid is someone who doesn't try in PE and stuffs their face with food as soon as they get home.

Gay guys are effeminate, love musicals and Taylor Swift and suck at sports.

Lesbians are 'butch' and only like guy things.

Blondes are dumb.

If you're not skinny, you're not pretty.

Rich kids and quiet people are snobs.

Anyone who plays an instrument only cares about playing their instrument.

A skinny person is anorexic.

Mentally disabled people are stupid.

A person with ratty, old clothes doesn't care about their appearance.


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