
Persuasive Essay On Zoos

Decent Essays

I have gathered you here today to inform you about an issue that means a lot to me and should mean a lot to you too. I grew up an animal lover, i love interacting and taking care of them. Before i tell you the issue i want you to take in consideration the lives of these animals and forget about your selfish wants, to stare, poke, and prod at them. These animals that live in zoos, are not happy, here's why. There is not enough space, zoos fuel capacity, and zoos mistreat the animals.The issue is getting worse by the minute please support my cause. Donate to the NNZZ. Can you tell me where animals came from? Yeah, that’s right, they came from this magical place called the wild. Honestly if we didn’t have zoos some species would be not even surviving but thriving, Because the zoos do not have nearly enough space for the animals. Compared to their homes in the wild, the animals have considerably less space in captivity. The fake homes and environments can interfere with the animals natural routine as well, take elephants for example, they are used to walking, all day, i mean 30 miles a day and they can't do that very easily in a zoo. The consequence of this can be animals getting arthritis or other diseases. I know i talk about how we treat the animals and what i personally think about it, but let's take a second to think “what are the animals thinking?” …show more content…

After you begin to get used to that they decide to train you. For some species it's like being pushed into the splits, it isn't easy. What would you think? What would you do? Take harambe as an example he was the slightest bit angry and he got shot, it wasn't his fault. May i mention the forcing antidepressants up their throats to make them perk up higher. Maybe not, that's a whole other story. Are the zoos taking advantage of us and the

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