
Persuasive Essay On Tuition In College

Decent Essays

To have a hope for the future, we first have to start now. Education is vital to success. However, some Americans cannot afford the education they deserve. Some are not even given the opportunity to express their individual rights. The United States as an overall country has great potential, and we should use that to help ourselves as well as other countries. We are pushed to strive in school and given standards to achieve. Standardized test are used to define who we are and our abilities. We are more than a math problem and can do better than analyze an essay. Although those are important skills to learn, we can use our intelligence to greater abilities. We do our best and schools for seven hours a day, five days a week, not including the loads of homework and studying we do to prepare for college. To prepare us for a thirteen thousand dollar yearly tuition not including books, housing, and transportation. Do colleges assume that our parents are going to fund on average, fifty-two thousand dollars as a basic tuition just so we can attend college? Let’s be real, half of the U.S barely makes that on a yearly basis. Most loans in America are student loans, and most are still paying them off as adults. College tuition deters people from college. College tuition hold students down from what they can accomplish. The better the school, the higher the rate. Because tuition is so expensive, people take two steps back to save money. Harvard attendees are smart, but so

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