
Persuasive Essay On Owning A Bike

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As my brother and I pedaled our new bikes to the community center at age 10, we were so happy that we are finally able to feel the joy of biking around and showing off our brand new polished bikes to the public and our friends. Also, I thought to myself what can people possibly hate about this perfect man-made human-powered transportation. It is the most outstanding feeling to ride and to make it even better is when I change the gears and go fast and let the wind just hit my face. It’s marvelous. Furthermore, everyone that owns a car now should start thinking of starting of owning a bike because it will save them money. They will be able to avoid traffic jams, save money, get exercise and stay healthy.
Some concern people may argue even though bikes can be a good thing for us they also have their downside. Such as biking could be bad for the environment. As a result of having bikes, some individuals consider that operating on Human-Powered-transportation might not be good in our great environment. The cyclist also uses a lot of human power energy to operate the bike.According to cycling is “bad for the environment” by Velonews it states "Also, you claim that it is environmentally friendly to ride a bike,” Orcutt wrote. “But if I am not mistaken, a cyclist has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists

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