
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Gun control is a vital necessity that will produce a safe college community, a secure country and most of all a peaceful world. Unfortunately, some individuals do not see it as a vital necessity that it is. They believe that it has no impact on the learning environment and that it is a right based on the second amendment. The statistics and data show otherwise, stricter gun controls are crucial. No individual wants to feel in harm's way in their home or in society. Without laws that apply to gun control, many lives will be taken because of a firearms. Stricter gun control laws will be supported by the arguments: guns can turn arguments lethal, campus carry could lead to more suicides, guns can lead to more fatal accidents, armed civilians are not likely to stop a rampage shooter and finally guns do not stop sexual assaults. There are many reasons why gun control is important, the list could go on and on. According to the American Journal of Public Health from the Wall Street Journal rated the United States sixth internationally for gun related deaths (J.T.). If we want to stop violence on college campuses and in America, we have to impose stern policies on who and how firearms are obtained. The first reason why gun control laws should be uncompromising is the fact that guns can turn innocent arguments dangerous lethal. Offered by Defilippis and Hughes of “The Trace” they include that “On October 9th, a fraternity fight broke out in a Northern Arizona University parking

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