
Persuasive Essay On Global Warming

Decent Essays

Our world has adapted to the changes that come with our personal actions. Many of these actions initiated around the time of “The industrial revolution” and the advances in technology generated issues such as pollution. As time went on, one conflict became more evident, global warming. Global warming is when there is a rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system. Environmental policies should be more enforced in order to make progress in our environments because global warming alters ecosystems and generates danger to human life. People should also be able to contribute in a positive way because global warming also causes changes in things such as sea levels, temperature, diseases,etc.

The individuals that currently reside on planet earth carry out harmful actions that have generated issues such as climate change. The Earth's average temperature has increased over the last decade and has affected agricultural aspects around the world. In areas where farming takes place, water is essential in order to sustain crops. Climate change alters the way farmers take care of their crops because water has become more scarce throughout the years . As the extremities in weather patterns becomes more common, more frequent droughts are bound to occur. People in urban areas depend on food that derives from rural areas, therefore climate change is a threat to us. Colder environments are also affected by climate because many ice glaciers are rapidly melting.

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