
Persuasive Essay On Flu Shot

Decent Essays

In 2018 there has been a new outbreak of the flu. This is due to the new strand of the flu, which caused the flu shot to not be as effective as it was in previous years. There has been controversy, as to weather you should get the flu shot or not. People who are against receiving the flu shot, have many reasons, such as they believe that it can cause other diseases, just straight up give them the flu, and few people believe that receive the shot can cause autism. The people who believe that they can receive diseases, the flu, and autism via receiving the vaccine, avoid getting it, and avoid giving their children the vaccine. I believe that these people have a false view of how the vaccination works, and that education on the flu shot is important, …show more content…

One major reason they believe that you can get the flu because of the shot, is because the flu shot contains a the dead flu virus. People hear this, and they think that this can give them the flu, when it is actually impossible for you to get the flu from the dead virus. People tend to start to feel lesser flu like symptoms, or just don't feel that good, after getting a flu shot, and think that the shot gave them the flu. This is wrong, the actual reason that people feel sick after receiving the flu shot, is that they’re bodies are making antibodies. Antibodies are proteins that your body produces to help fight illnesses and bacteria. the dead flu virus in flu shots, expose your body to what the flu is like, so you can build antibodies against the flu. This greatly decreases the chance of receiving the flu, or makes the symptoms significantly less worse if you still get the flu. The most controversial reason that people choose to not receive the flu shot, or have their children get the flu shot, is that they believe that vaccines can cause autism. This belief does not come out of nowhere, and in fact stems from a research done by a prominent british medical journalist. The study was published in “The Lancet” and caused vaccine

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