
Persuasive Essay On Concussions

Decent Essays

Bone-crushing hits and flying tackles are all part of what makes football exciting to watch, but they are also part of the reason why the sport is now facing heavy criticism over the serious head injuries that it can bring. In response to concerns from both the public and players about injuries, research into making this head-crushing sport safer has become a leading concern for the NFL and many other sports medicine organizations across the country.

An investigation published a year ago by the New York Times discovered that concussion research from the National Football League (NFL) was left incomplete almost to the point of being misleading. The Times also reported, data that the NFL used in 13 peer-reviewed articles, that supported the …show more content…

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Helmetless Training: It sounds contradictory, to protect the heads of football players, it might advisable to have them occasionally practice without head protection.

Head impacts happen frequently in football, as they are in many other contact sports. Youth players, as young as 7, could sustain up to 100 impacts a season. While the long-term health repercussions remain uncertain, most of us have heard that repeated concussions, which occurs when the brain hits the skull, might increase an athlete’s risk of brain damage later on down the road. At first, the consequences might be hard to spot; but after multiple concussions, damages to brain could result in behavioral changes years down the line. This behavioral alteration is now understood to be due to impact dementia. Which a group of symptoms caused by memory loss, confusion, and personality change.

Thankfully, few of the head impacts that most athletes sustain during a collision results in a concussion. As a matter of fact, most are imperceptible to players themselves. In recent years, scientist have been trying to figure out, how can players reduce the amount of concussions they

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