
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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Abortion in America For many years this issue of abortion has came out, giving a huge debate about it. Right now, in the United States abortion is legal but may be restricted by the states. The states have limited degree of power. Some of the laws passed by some states are the requirement of parental notification for minors, the term of pregnancy, the abortion risk information given to the patients for the procedure, etc. Abortion is becoming more pro choice. I wanted to research abortion because I didn’t really know anything about it when we had debates in class. Should abortion be legal in the United States? Abortion in America should be always legal no matter the circumstance. Many of you believe that a life is taken away or religion doesn’t allow abortion, but it should always be a choice to women. Those needs, interests, values, beliefs will lead a women to take the decision. This research should benefit anyone because you will have the information needed to go pro choice or stay pro life. I am pro choice meaning that any women should have the right to abort, but that doesn’t mean I would abort. I would never abort a baby, but having the choice there make a difference. There are two ways to abort a baby. The first one is going to In-Clinic Abortion in where you will see a medical trained instructor. The instructor will than use a medical instrument that will suction to remove the baby from your uterus. This procedure 99% of the time. The produce is long, but very safe. The second one is medication to abort. You take a pill that causes your pregnancy to end it’s like a early miscarriage. This works 98% of the time. 3 in 10 women in the U.S will have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old. This information is from Planned Parenthood America. Knowing that abortion is super safe I have no doubt about pro choice. gave me the laws in abortion and what people believe. In January 22, 1973 Roe v. Wade declared that abortion is a “Fundamental Right”. The supporter identify themselves a pro choice because abortion is right that shouldn't be limited by the government or religious authority. They also said that pregnant women would resort in unsafe illegal abortions if there is no legal option.

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