
Persuasive Essay Men and Women are Equal

Decent Essays

Men and Women

There is constantly cessation why women and men cohabitate, nurture, desire, and endure. Many shrug the similarities and differences to the side due to the complex nature that is involved in understanding the progression. Since the beginning of time, according to the bible, man was placed as the dominant sex, fending for the families well being. The woman has tended to the important jobs around the homestead as situations arose. Often in society, one will find himself in a battle depending on the views of the receiving recipients. Following is a dialogue explaining a safe and metro sexual view as a general whole. Based on scientific beliefs, one is to think we …show more content…

Our basic needs are very similar. We both need food, shelter, and clothing to keep us from falling prey to nature?s might and seasonal advances. Food is something neither can go without for extended times. We weaken over the distress of not having substance to fuel our food to energy converting body. Shelter is another need both sexes must be able to govern. Without shelters we would not be able to protect ourselves from inclement weather. Clothing is also important need to keep respect within the reigns, protect while out of shelter, and show a sense of physical choice one makes. The male and female composure has many differences that make up the structure of the society we cherish. There are contradicting features between a man and woman. Men are stamped by muscular platforms that complement rigid labor. Women are slightly less muscular, but more flexible and emotional in work. The female body has a wonderful gift of birthing a child. Creating a life within her womb is what allows both sexes to co-exist today. Men have the key that allows the beginning of a youngling within females? ovaries. A man tends to be less emotional than a woman due to higher testosterone levels in his genetic make up. Women have higher levels of estrogen moreover testosterone, which gives way to a more compassionate lifestyle. Ability to sense smell, touch, taste, sight, and sound is stronger

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