
Personal Narrative: The American Dream

Decent Essays

What is the American Dream? Is it different today than it was for our forefathers? Is the Dream based on collecting as many possessions as we can, or how we want to live? Is it setting goals that we want to achieve in our lifetime and simply being content in whatever we do? My answer is yes. It is making an effort to meet or exceed our goals, whether we want to “shoot for the moon” and strive for wealth, or be content with the basic needs. Most of us want the simplest necessities - shelter, companionship, and a few luxuries to make us comfortable. The American Dream, enduring through time and eras, encourages us to put in place the framework of motivation for the status and achievements we want to attain for ourselves throughout our lives …show more content…

My father worked at the local mill, while my mother stayed home to take care of the four oldest siblings. My parents didn’t have much money, with only one income and four children. Although they couldn’t yet afford a television, they did have a radio. What it must have been like to sit around the radio, listening to live shows, and bringing to life, in the children’s young minds, the characters that were portrayed. I asked my oldest sister, who was born in the mid 1940’s, what life was like when she was young, what our parents, and our neighbors wanted, what they dreamed of owning. At first she named the typical wants, like cars, houses, healthy kids. But then she smiled, her stare became fixed on a distant time and I could see her mind drifting back to her childhood. “We wanted a washing machine. One of our neighbors owned one and boy was it nice!” she finally said. “We had a house and a car, and Daddy had a decent job at the mill. We didn’t own our house but we had a place to stay. You gotta remember, we still had more than most of our friends” (Townsend). I know this to be true. She is the oldest of seven children born to my parents, and she knew all the ups and downs that our family endured. My parent’s dream was simple - working to make ends meet. She also knew when our family’s American Dream changed, how my parent’s contentment of having a roof over their head was no longer enough, that they also wanted and got a

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