
Personal Narrative: My Natural Hair Journey Apps

Decent Essays

Have Natural Hair? There’s an App for That Considering the society’s obsession with our smartphones and our love of social media I am quite a bit surprised that apps dedicated to hair in general or even natural hair, in particular, are not much more popular. It has never once crossed my mind to look up an app to help with tracking my hair regimen or to help me find a stylist but now that I am aware that there are apps out there I am even a little shocked I didn’t think about this sooner. I feel like it should be a no-brainer so if you like me have never looked into using an app that might make your hair journey easier in some way, this article will be a wake-up call for you. There are a lot of apps out there to help you with all things hair. They include apps to help track your hair journey, to help you achieve new styles or even apps to help you find a stylist. As I was checking out different best lists out there, I noticed that there was one app called Hair Journal which constantly made the cut and so I decided to try out this app for myself. The point of Hair Journal is to help users track their hair journey. It offers a simple, easy to use interface for tracking hair goals and products used. You can set …show more content…

As a mom of two girls, one of whom is less than 3 months old, I need all the help I can get to keep life organized especially when life makes it impossible for me to focus in minutely on every thing in my life. I look to tools and to do lists to help me accomplish goals in all areas of my life and this app is a part of that. I cannot recall one product I’ve used on my 7-year-old daughter’s hair that wasn’t at least OK but they aim is to figure out what works best and not just be satisfied with good enough. I feel like this app will help me do that. One of my goals is to help my daughter have the very best hair I can because this will play a role in her own self-esteem and

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