
Personal Essay : My Story : A Story Of My Life

Decent Essays

I was raised understanding life happens to everyone ,life isn't fair and c'est la vie ; so when "Life" happened to me, I never made it my business to tell my story; to seek help ,attention , or love because of my circumstances. I simply rolled with the punches and never let the outside world see me sweat. Instead I would come home and write; write my thoughts , fears, desires , goals , and regrets.

I will admit when I saw the option to tell MY STORY, I could only think of the one I never told before. You see; I've always been the type to speak nothing but good things . It's only when I'm alone allowed to put my thoughts into words on paper or a screen that I realized that's when im a hundred percent bluntly honest . one thing my grandmother always told me was treat people how you'd like to be treated and if you didn't have anything nice to say keep it shut. To this day , those little sayings have helped mold me into the young lady I've become today. However my grandmothers theory was tested by a person I never thought would give me conflict and would forever change my life .
Born and raised on Staten Island there was plenty of New York I have yet to experience. Spending most of my school years in private school has even narrowed my social skills with certain people. I didn't know the world could use , manipulate and lie to you . I was never warned because I was surrounded by the good .
At the rebellious age of 16 I met online and fell in love with a then 19 year old

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