
Pearl Harbor 9/11 Compare And Contrast

Decent Essays

Both Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are tragic events in United States history, that will likely be remember in American history by even the least historically educated of the American populace and likely much of the rest of the world too. Both events were surprise attacks on American soil and both led to a fervor of patriotism from the American people to get revenge for those that died in the attacks. This paper will compare and contrast the two events, while providing a basic outline of the events and affects the two had on American society, in both the immediate and long term.

Pearl Harbor is the name given to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, by the Japanese against the Americans on December 7th, 1941. Although there was growing tension between the United States and Japan dew to sanctions and frozen assets put on Japan, the attack was still a surprise for the world. 2400 Americans were killed in the attack, along with many ships and nearly two-hundred airplanes.1 The attack united the American people and under Franklin Roosevelt 's leadership, America declared war on Japan, with a unanimous vote in the senate and 388 to 1 vote in the house, with the lone dissenter being an avid pacifist. Soon after, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States and the United States declared war on the Axis powers in turn. America had finally joined the Second World War. When Roosevelt gave his speech that war was being declared, most of the country was behind him. There were fears that

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