
Essay On Paying College Athletes

Good Essays

Justin Rogers
Ms. Stott
English II
22 March 2016
Paying College Athletes
Paying college athletes would be beneficial for the athletes and the programs..The NCAA membership has adopted amateurism rules to ensure the students’ priority are to obtain a quality educational experience and that all of student-athletes are competing equitably.The NCAA made these rules a long time ago to make sure that college athletes didn’t feel like playing sports in college was their job and tried to emphasize that education came before sports.They want to make these rules and restrictions more strict because they feel that athletes are starting to do their own thing. NFL athletes are coming back and admitting that they took money during college, so the NCAA …show more content…

Whether they go on to make millions or are forced to leave professional athletics behind, these skills are both practical and transferable for student athletes” ,one reporter from U.S news said. They should help teach these athletes how to manage their money at a young adult age. When the NCAA was founded by President Roosevelt in 1905, the organization was committed to the idea of not providing a salary to the student-athletes who took part in its organization. It is based on the idea of amateurism, and this was a notable idea at the time. But, over a century later, the NCAA is no longer recognizable compared to what the organization used to be. The NCAA has modernized to take complete advantage of the new kinds of sports fans and the new kinds of media. Today, sports and athletics in the NCAA draw in around $11 billion every year for the organization. Its coaches and administrators make staggering amounts of money. From high salaries to performance bonuses, it seems that the NCAA is a very profitable business considering it is a non-profit organization. “Yet, despite all of this cash floating around, the players who make the organization work do not see any of this money. In fact, they are barred …show more content…

Now they can get paid off of their performance, so they will go 110% in everything they will which will make sports better. These athletes deserve money for not only themselves, but their families if they do all that hard work and earn the NCAA billions of dollars they deserve a paycheck. Studies feel that paying these athletes will raise performance. Athletes should also get paid to show them how to control and manage their money. These arguments all have the same goal which is to get the athletes

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