
Part I: Position Paper On Abortion

Decent Essays

Nancy Magallon

Linda Lien, POLS 107

September 29,15

Part I: Position Paper

The political party I strongly support are democrat. I strongly agree with what they believes. One Government issue that they support and as well as I do are abortion rights. Democrats strongly agree with Roe v. Wade and they believe that women have the rights to make their decision if they want to keep the baby or if they want to abort. They also believe that it is a personal decision between the women and whoever she should involve in her pregnancy rights’ women pregnancy should not be a political issue if she choose to end it.

In the Case of Roe V, Wade, the supreme …show more content…

Although abortion will not be covered the pre-exciting condition insurance plan except in the case of incest, rape and the women has a life threating condition.Never the less begin a mother is just and option to a women.Many women go to hardship moments in their lives and fought a tough battle and won the political system for equality for women.Women have gained the right to have the option to have a safe abortion.Otherwise an accident or a rape can end a women's economic and personal freedom.

PART II: Graphic Representation



Democratic Party on Abortion. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015, from

Abortion Debate. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2015, from

Obama on Abortion. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2015, from

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