
Parenting Styles And Styles Of Parenting

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Parenting Styles My term paper will discuss the 4 Styles of Parenting, including; the styles of parenting that we as single parents and couple parents may identify with. My paper will also discuss how each parenting styles impacts our children, if it works and the style of parenting that’s most effective. Authoritative Parenting Style The Authoritative Style of Parenting, children are expected to follow the rules and guidelines that a parent with this style of parenting has put into place. This type of parents are responsive to their children and willing (eager) to listen to questions. Authoritative parents gives reasonable demands, consistent limits, expresses warmth and affection which every child, I think, yearns for. Rules are set and reasons behind the rules are explain to ensure that the child (ren) understands. They’re also willing to listen to the child’s feelings when setting these limits. Parents with this style of parenting are flexible and willing to bend the rules in certain cases- for example, allowing the child to stay up an hour pass the normal bedtime, so that the child can finish watching television. When a child (ren) fail to meet the expectations that an Authoritative Parent is more of a nurturing and forgiving parent rather than punishing. These types of parents uses rewards, praises, and positive consequences for good behaviors. Baurmind (1971, 1991) suggests that these parents, “monitor and impart clear standards for their children’s conduct. They

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