
Para Ser Feliz Analysis

Decent Essays

Para Ser Feliz

The aphorism that I chose was one that my mother repeats to me everyday before I head off to school. As I walk out the door, she says, “Para ser feliz, hay que aprender a ignorar a las personas que te quieren hacer daño”, she hugs me and kisses me on the forehead. The translation of this aphorism in English is “To be happy, you have to learn to ignore people that are willing to hurt you”. My mother, Blanca Ramirez, says these words are from the bible, but put it in her own words. She never learned these words from anyone, she started to go by these exact words when she came to the United States. She knew that her second chance at life would not be easy, so she started reading the bible and had a better look at life. She repeats these words daily so that I do not forget them and learn to live by it. …show more content…

That same day I had came home crying around 3:30pm, she asked me “what’s wrong?” and I replied “nothing that you would care about”. I ran upstairs to my room and she came running after me and she opened my door, and she asked again “what’s wrong?” and I tell her. I told her that I had lost two of my best girl friends, I thought that the world had ended. She told me that she did not know what to say because she grew up without friends, no one was ever there for her. She put her hand on my lap and said “Para ser feliz, hay que aprender a ignorar a las personas que te quieren hacer daño”, I cried because right then, and there, I realized that I can and will continue with my life, with or without friends. So what I have been doing for the past few months is being independent and loving myself for who I am and not letting anyone get in my way of being

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