
Pan Europa Foods

Good Essays

LECTURE 2 GROUP ASSIGNMENT | | |We, the undersigned, hereby declare this assignment to be our own collective group effort. It has not been | |previously submitted for any other assignment or examination. We further declare that any sources used or referred| |to in this text, have been explicitly indicated according to the Harvard Method of referencing techniques. | |Name |Signature | |Barry Kok (800901 5040 085) | …show more content…

|S |S | |P | |3.1.2 |Data Entry |S |S | |P | |3.1.3 |Periodic Reports |S |S | |P | |3.1.4 |Ad Hoc Questions |S |S | |P | |3.2 |Processing Data Base |S |S | |P | |3.3 |Evaluation |S |S | |P | |3.4 |Prepare Report |P |S | S |S | |4 |System Development |S | |P | | |4.1 |Software Development |S |S |P | S | |4.1.1 |Packaging |S | |P | S | |4.1.2 |Customize Software |S | |P | S | |4.2 |Hardware Development |S | S |P | S | |4.3 |Network

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