
Overview Of Professional Experience And Plans Essay

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Overview of Professional Experience and Plans
I first became interested in psychology while enrolled in a grade eleven introductory course. Learning the basics about human behaviour and mental processes fascinated me, and from there I began to explore the ways in which psychology could become a lifelong career. Fast-forward seven years and I have witnessed this passion flourish through the completion of my Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Psychology and my Developmental Services Worker Diploma. In addition to my schooling, I have made a conscious effort over the past two years to gather research and clinical experience to better understand my research interests and career goals. Moreover, I seeking admission into the MSc: Couple and Family Therapy program because I believe it is the ideal way for me to further develop my knowledge base, research, and clinical skills in the areas of psychology and counseling.
I am extremely motivated and interested in this unique program because it will allow me to advance my clinical skills and give me the opportunity to work closely alongside professionals in the field. Specifically, I would value the supervision of Dr. John Beaton and/or Dr. Ruth Neustifter, as I have similar research interests that overlap with their current work. I also appreciate this program’s emphasis of the clinical practitioner-scientist model and the importance of incorporating theory, research, and practice. As well, the current connection between the CFT

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