
Optimal Anxiety: Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Decent Essays

Getting out of your Comfort Zone Your comfort zone is a behavioral space where fit a routine and pattern that is low on stress and risk. A comfort zone provides a notion of mental security where you benefit in regular happiness, reduced stress and low anxiety. The idea of the comfort zone dates back in 1908, over a psychological experiment carried out by Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson. To maximize our performance, we need to go past our comfort zone to a zone called Optimal Anxiety. A state of relative anxiety where our stress/anxiety levels are slightly higher. Too much anxiety hinders our performance since we're too stressed to be productive. Tapping to our optimal anxiety zone is simply pushing ourselves to the next level and accomplishing things you merely dreamed …show more content…

Comfort kills productivity since the lack of unease and little anxiety prevents you from being optimally productive. You lose the ambition to be more than what you already are or have, you fail to realize the possibilities that come with expanding your horizons. Pushing your boundaries further out will prove to be beneficial to you, all you need it just a little nudge. You'll easily deal with ensuing new and unexpected changes. The worst thing we can do to ourselves is pretending fear and uncertainty doesn't exist. By tapping into our optimal anxiety zone, we can take risks and challenge ourselves to managing the uncertain outcome with ease. You'll easily harness your creativity. Getting out of your comfort zone bring out this soft benefit. Seeking new experiences, developing new skills, and adapting to new ideas often inspire us to do more and further educate us. We compare our old ideas with the new things we are trying and this inspires us and challenge us to delve deeper in our creative pot and conjure up something magnificent. We may not have wings but we definitely can fly out of our comfort zones with these benefits at

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