
Oppression Of Colonialism In Canada

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Colonialism is the root of oppression and the normalization of the mass murders and killing of indigenous women across the nation. In Canada alone there are ( 67% are murder cases (death as the result of homicide or negligence); 20% are cases of missing women or girls; 4% are cases of suspicious death—deaths regarded as natural or accidental by police, but considered suspicious by family or community members; and. 9% are cases where the nature of the case is unknown—it is unclear whether the woman was murdered, is missing or died in suspicious circumstances.) these statistics show us an idea of how many indigenous women there are actually …show more content…

As well shows the disparity between the nations and how they are constantly oppressed and in different ways each stage. Only to conform to the goals of those in power (white men) and to oppress those that don’t want the power imbalance (indigenous people and indigenous women). The Canadian colonization of first nation people has a large number of phases, and all of them overlapping with modern. the concept of economic power, social structure and putting the white man on top and creating the connotation of the “Indian savage”, political power and legal agendas, from back when it started with the mercenaries from just wanting to trade furs, then the idea of god and who god is and how he can save their souls, and later the land of the one who were first there, tricking them into giving it away for next to nothing (denied women status; introduced residential schools; created reserves.) . this is only 3 parts of the 21 part bill called “the Indian act” Indigenous people are still being oppressed thought the modern …show more content…

Young women were brought to residential schools (which can be compared to the Japanese camps from the first world war) Molested and were brought to schools where the indian in them was killed, because they were “savages” as a child, most aboriginal people had parents who went to these school and their grandparents. went to the schools ( showing how long this has been going on) the women were beat and raped showing high signs of child sex trafficking and rape and the normalization of rape culture for white men to indigenous women. Social problems are also endemic. The incarceration rates of Aboriginal people are 5−6 times higher than the national average. “In a recent survey, 39% of Aboriginal adults reported that family violence is a problem in their community, 25% reported sexual abuse and 15% reported rape.6 About 4% of First Nations children were in custody of Child and Family Service agencies in 1996/97.” Aboriginal women in Canada are brought down by the burden of poor heath care that is supposed to be provided by the Canadian government, but as stats will show, throwing money at the issue won’t change it. They are oppressed by being given substandard physical and mental health care, thus proving the cause for lower life expectancy in reservations. From being

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